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What happens if you lie to insurance company about accident?

what happens if you lie to insurance company about accident
Your Policy May Be Canceled – If you lie to your insurance provider about the reason, injuries, and other circumstances of your automobile collision, you risk losing your policy totally. Insurance companies do not want to work with individuals that lie and try to grab their money.

What are the repercussions of lying to your insurer?

You may face criminal consequences – Filing a fake insurance claim may result in imprisonment, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record. It may seem like a smart idea at the moment, but lying to your insurance company is actually a type of insurance fraud.

What are the repercussions of filing a fraudulent insurance claim?

6. You may be subject to criminal consequences – Filing a fraudulent insurance claim can result in imprisonment, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record. It may seem like a smart idea at the moment, but lying to your insurance company is actually a type of insurance fraud.

Why does my auto insurance increase following an accident?

Your insurance premium will increase as a result – Insurance firms issue policies and charge premiums based on the information you submit. They think that if you drive frequently or have been in accidents in the past, your chance of a future collision is increased.
