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What insurance companies cover prp therapy?

what insurance companies cover prp therapy
What insurance plans cover PRP therapy? – An increasing number of insurance plans cover PRP therapy as a treatment for a variety of diseases and injuries. However, coverage varies greatly from company to business, so it is essential to check with your insurance to see whether they will cover the cost of therapy.

Why am I shedding more hair following PRP?

Starting a new therapy for hair loss is fraught with uncertainty and apprehension, regardless of the procedure’s track record of efficacy. Especially when it comes to hair loss, the majority of patients are wary that any therapy might aggravate their condition.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is one of the most common treatments for hair thinning and hair loss, but some patients, especially those who have never had the procedure before, may be concerned that it might cause more hair loss. How often do individuals lose hair following PRP treatment? Hair loss is a typical side effect of PRP injections since the growth factors stimulate the hair follicles.

As the new, healthier, and thicker hair pushes the older hair shaft out of the way, you suffer temporary hair loss. The greater the number of hair follicles, the more hair will fall out and be replaced by new hair.
