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Which of the following statements about noncontributory employee group life insurance is false?

which of the following statements about noncontributory employee group life insurance is false?
Which of the following claims concerning noncontributory group life insurance for employees is FALSE? The appropriate response is “A minimum quantity of workers must participate.” Noncontributory employee group life insurance policies must at all times cover ALL qualified employees.

Which of the following is not a mandatory group life insurance policy provision?

Which of these clauses is optional in life insurance policies? All of these clauses must be present in life insurance plans. OTHER THAN’Extended Term ‘

Correct. The conversion privilege enables an individual to quit a group term plan and continue his or her own coverage without showing proof of insurability.

What form of life insurance is offered for credit policies?

What form of life insurance is offered for credit policies? – The majority of credit life insurance policies are issued as whole life plans. However, they can also be provided as policies of term life insurance. How Much Does Term Life Insurance Cost?
