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How Do I Move Prescriptions From One Pharmacy To Another?

How Do I Move Prescriptions From One Pharmacy To Another
To request a transfer of your prescription, you can either call or go in person to the new pharmacy. Provide the new pharmacy with the names of all the drugs, together with the dose information and Rx numbers, that you wish to transfer. Please include the contact information for your existing pharmacy.

What do you do if you run out of medication?

If you do not have your prescription with you and are out of a drug that requires a prescription but you do not have one with you, you can receive an emergency supply from a pharmacy even if you do not have a prescription for the medicine. If you have an old prescription or the box for the drug, bring it with you just in case.

Can you refill a prescription at a different CVS?

No issue. It is not difficult to move your medications from one CVS to another, regardless of whether you are moving across the nation or merely to a different area of the same city. Simply input the location of your current CVS store, and then select the CVS Pharmacy where you would want to pick up any future refills.
