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How Do I Transfer My Kaiser Prescription To Another Pharmacy?

How Do I Transfer My Kaiser Prescription To Another Pharmacy
Dial (888) 956-1616 to have your medicines transferred over. Your prescription number(s), as well as the name and phone number of the pharmacy you now use, will be requested of you by Kaiser Permanente (you should be able to find this information on your current prescription containers).

How do I transfer my prescription from one Shoppers to another?

You can submit a request to have your medications moved to a Shoppers Drug Mart store by contacting the pharmacy where you now get your medication. In order for the transfer to take place, you may also ask your new Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacist to get in touch with the company in question.

Can I fax my prescription to shoppers?

RXSchool Episode 19 – Transferring Controlled Prescription In

Ogilvie stated that for patients who have been issued a physical prescription, many pharmacies provide an app, an online service, or a telephone service that allows you to transmit it to the pharmacist without traveling to the shop in person. It is still required for you to bring the original prescription with you to the pharmacy when you go to pick up your medication, but this eliminates the need for you to make several journeys and subject yourself to unnecessary risks, as he said.

According to what he had heard, the most ideal circumstance would be for the doctor to send the prescription straight to the pharmacist. Draper stated that for patients who use the Shoppers Drug Mart virtual-care system, the prescribing physician would fax the prescription straight to the pharmacy of the patient’s choosing.

He added that the pharmacy does not need to be a Shoppers Drug Mart location for this to occur.
