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How To Increase Pharmacy Revenue?

How To Increase Pharmacy Revenue
7 Strategies to Increase the Profits of Your Pharmacy in the Year 2020

  1. Vaccinations and immunizations should be given.
  2. Redesign the Front End of Your Pharmacy.
  3. Provide testing at the point of care.
  4. Enhance Access to Specialty Medications
  5. Collaborate with Long-Term Care and Nursing Facilities.
  6. Help People Kick the Habit of Smoking by Offering Support
  7. Establish a center for the treatment of obesity.

What is pharmaceutical marketing strategy?

The Importance of These Key Factors in Successful Pharmaceutical Marketing – A patient-centric strategy, planned campaigns with individualized content across many media platforms, and efficient ad performance measurement measures are required for successful pharmaceutical marketing initiatives.

What does AA mean in pharmacy?

Download files in the PDF format. The table that follows is a collection of common abbreviations seen in written prescriptions. The following list provides these abbreviations along with their definitions. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Pharmacy abbreviations beginning with A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W

Abbreviation Meaning
a.c. before food
a.m. before noon
aa. of each
ad lib. as much as desired
alt. alternate
alt. die. alternate days
amp ampoule
ante before
applic. apply
aq. or aqua water
aur. ear
aurist. ear drops


Abbreviation Meaning
b. twice
b.d. twice daily
b.i.d. twice daily


Abbreviation Meaning
c. with
calid. warm
cap. capsule
cib. food
co. compound
collut. mouthwash
collyr. eye lotion
conc. concentrated
crem. cream


Abbreviation Meaning
d. a day
dest. distilled
dil. diluted
div. divide
dol. urg when the pain is severe
dolent. part. to the afflicted part
dos. dose


Abbreviation Meaning
ex aq. in water
ext. extract
extemp. extemporaneously dispensed


Abbreviation Meaning
fort. strong


Abbreviation Meaning
garg. gargle
gtt. or guttae drops
See also:  Why Do You Want To Work In Pharmacy?


Abbreviation Meaning
h. at the hour of
h.s. at bedtime


Abbreviation Meaning
i.c. between meals
IM intramuscular
inf infusion
inj injection
IV intravenous


Abbreviation Meaning
m. or mane in the morning
m.d. as directed
m.d.u. to be used as directed
MDI metered dose inhaler
mist. mixture
mitt. or mitte send


Abbreviation Meaning
n. or nocte at night
n. et m. night and morning
narist. nasal drops
NP or n.p. proper name


Abbreviation Meaning
o. alt. hor. every other hour
o.d. every day
o.m. every morning
o.n. every night
oculent. eye ointment


Abbreviation Meaning
p.a. to the affected part
p. aeq. equal parts
p.c. after food
p.m. afternoon
p.r.n. when required
part. dolent. to the painful part
past. paste
PR per rectum
pulv. powder
PV per vagina


Abbreviation Meaning
q.d. four times daily
q.d.s. to be taken four times daily
q.i.d. four times daily
q.q.h. every fourth hour
q.s. sufficient
q12h every 12 hours
q4h every 4 hours
q6h every 6 hours
qq. every


Abbreviation Meaning
Rx take


Abbreviation Meaning
s.o.s. if necessary
SC subcutaneous
SL sublingual
ss. half
stat. immediately


Abbreviation Meaning
t.d.d. three times daily
t.d.s. to be taken three times daily
t.i.d. three times daily
tinct. tincture
trit. or triturate serial dilution or mixing ingredients


Abbreviation Meaning
u.a. as before
ung. or unguentum ointment
ut. direct or ut. dict. as directed


Abbreviation Meaning
WSP white soft paraffin


Abbreviation Meaning
YSP yellow soft paraffin