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What Does Od Stand For In Pharmacy?

What Does Od Stand For In Pharmacy
Download files in the PDF format. The table that follows is a collection of common abbreviations seen in written prescriptions. The following list provides these abbreviations along with their definitions. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Pharmacy abbreviations beginning with A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W

Abbreviation Meaning
a.c. before food
a.m. before noon
aa. of each
ad lib. as much as desired
alt. alternate
alt. die. alternate days
amp ampoule
ante before
applic. apply
aq. or aqua water
aur. ear
aurist. ear drops


Abbreviation Meaning
b. twice
b.d. twice daily
b.i.d. twice daily


Abbreviation Meaning
c. with
calid. warm
cap. capsule
cib. food
co. compound
collut. mouthwash
collyr. eye lotion
conc. concentrated
crem. cream


Abbreviation Meaning
d. a day
dest. distilled
dil. diluted
div. divide
dol. urg when the pain is severe
dolent. part. to the afflicted part
dos. dose


Abbreviation Meaning
ex aq. in water
ext. extract
extemp. extemporaneously dispensed


Abbreviation Meaning
fort. strong


Abbreviation Meaning
garg. gargle
gtt. or guttae drops


Abbreviation Meaning
h. at the hour of
h.s. at bedtime


Abbreviation Meaning
i.c. between meals
IM intramuscular
inf infusion
inj injection
IV intravenous


Abbreviation Meaning
m. or mane in the morning
m.d. as directed
m.d.u. to be used as directed
MDI metered dose inhaler
mist. mixture
mitt. or mitte send


Abbreviation Meaning
n. or nocte at night
n. et m. night and morning
narist. nasal drops
NP or n.p. proper name


Abbreviation Meaning
o. alt. hor. every other hour
o.d. every day
o.m. every morning
o.n. every night
oculent. eye ointment


Abbreviation Meaning
p.a. to the affected part
p. aeq. equal parts
p.c. after food
p.m. afternoon
p.r.n. when required
part. dolent. to the painful part
past. paste
PR per rectum
pulv. powder
PV per vagina


Abbreviation Meaning
q.d. four times daily
q.d.s. to be taken four times daily
q.i.d. four times daily
q.q.h. every fourth hour
q.s. sufficient
q12h every 12 hours
q4h every 4 hours
q6h every 6 hours
qq. every


Abbreviation Meaning
Rx take


Abbreviation Meaning
s.o.s. if necessary
SC subcutaneous
SL sublingual
ss. half
stat. immediately


Abbreviation Meaning
t.d.d. three times daily
t.d.s. to be taken three times daily
t.i.d. three times daily
tinct. tincture
trit. or triturate serial dilution or mixing ingredients


Abbreviation Meaning
u.a. as before
ung. or unguentum ointment
ut. direct or ut. dict. as directed


Abbreviation Meaning
WSP white soft paraffin


Abbreviation Meaning
YSP yellow soft paraffin

What does OD mean in prescription?

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What is OD and BD in prescription?

Abbreviations. OD Once per day, twice per day, three times per day, and furthermore. use this medicine in the context of. The understanding of medical words and drugs is heavily reliant on lifestyle newsletters and bd line.

What does the abbreviations OD means on the prescription clear response?

The majority of ophthalmologists recommend getting a complete eye checkup once every year or two, although this recommendation is conditional on criteria such as whether or not you already use corrective eyeglasses, your age, and other risk factors. At that time, in the event that it is required, your eye doctor will provide you a prescription that you may use when purchasing eyeglasses.

Does OD mean once a day?

List of abbreviations used in medical prescriptions contains the primary discussion of these abbreviations in relation to drug prescriptions and other types of medical prescriptions. Because they are indicated as inappropriate here, the following list of abbreviations should not be used.

See also:  How To Improve Pharmacy Workflow?
Abbrev. Meaning Latin (or New Latin ) origin
a.c. before meals ante cibum
a.d. , ad, AD right ear auris dextra
a.m. , am, AM morning ante meridiem
nocte every night Omne Nocte
a.s. , as, AS left ear auris sinistra
a.u. , au, AU both ears together or each ear aures unitas or auris uterque
b.d. s, bds, BDS 2 times a day bis die sumendum
b.i.d. , bid, BID twice a day / twice daily bis in die
gtt. , gtts drop (s) gutta (e)
h. , h hour hora
qhs, h.s. , hs at bedtime or half strength quaque hora somni
ii two tablets duos doses
iii three tablets trēs doses
n.p.o. , npo, NPO nothing by mouth / not by oral administration nil per os
o.d. , od, OD right eye once a day (uncommon) oculus dexter omne in die
o.s. , os, OS left eye oculus sinister
o.u. , ou, OU both eyes oculus uterque
p.c. after food post cibum
p.m. , pm, PM afternoon or evening post meridiem
p.o. , po, PO by mouth / oral administration per os / nonstandard form per orem
p.r. , pr, PR rectally / rectal administration per rectum
p.r.n. , prn, PRN as needed, (also Pertactin – a key antigen of ac. Pertussis vaccine) pro re nata
q. every quaque
q.1.h. , q1h every hour quaque hora
q.2.h. , q2h every 2 hours quaque secunda hora
q.4.h. , q4h every 4 hours quaque quarta hora
q.6.h. , q6h every 6 hours quaque sexta hora
q.8.h. , q8h every 8 hours quaque octava hora
q.a.m. , qAM, qam every morning quaque ante meridiem
q.d. , qd every day / daily quaque die
q.h.s. , qhs every night at bedtime quaque hora somni
q.d. s, qds, QDS 4 times a day quater die sumendum
q.i. d, qid 4 times a day quater in die
q.h. , qh every hour , hourly quaque hora
q.o.d. , qod every other day / alternate days quaque altera die
q.p.m. , qPM, qpm every afternoon or evening quaque post meridiem
q.s. , qs a sufficient quantity ( enough ) quantum sufficiat
q. wk. also qw weekly (once a week) quaque week
Rx, R x , ℞ prescription recipe
Sig. , S. directions signa
Stat. immediately, with no delay, now statim
t.i.d. , tid, TID 3 times a day ter in die
t.d.s. , tds, TDS take by mouth 3 times a day ter die sumendus
u.d. , ud as directed ut dictum

What Rx means?

Rx is the symbol denoting a medical prescription, and it is frequently found printed on prescription pads used by doctors as well as signs shown in pharmacies. The origin of the letter Rx may be traced back to the Latin word “recipe,” which literally translates to “take.” The Eye of Horus was an ancient Egyptian emblem that was connected with healing abilities.

  1. Some people believe that the Rx symbol developed from the Eye of Horus.
  2. This idea is one of numerous alternate hypotheses.
  3. The profession of pharmacy, which includes the creation and distribution of various medications, is known to have existed for thousands of years, as this is a fact that cannot be disputed.

Around the year 2100 B.C., in Mesopotamia, the world’s earliest documented prescriptions were engraved on a clay tablet. Around the same time, the first drugstores were built in the ancient city of Baghdad in the eighth century A.D. The first pharmacies in the United States of America opened their doors in the 17th century in cities like Boston and New York.

  1. Prior to attaining notoriety for his role as a traitor during the Revolutionary War, Benedict Arnold worked in Connecticut as an apothecary, also known as a pharmacist.
  2. In the year 1821, the city of Philadelphia became home to the very first college of pharmacy to be established in the United States.

John Pemberton, a pharmacist in Atlanta, is credited with developing the recipe for what would later be known as Coca-Cola in the latter half of the 19th century. Pemberton said that his latest concoction had the ability to treat a wide range of illnesses at the time.

  • Prior to the 1950s, the majority of prescription drugs in the United States were prepared by pharmacists using a process known as compounding.
  • This meant that each medication was manufactured from scratch using raw materials in order to meet the requirements of a specific patient.
  • After the middle of the 20th century, the majority of prescriptions were filled by pharmacists using mass-produced goods from pharmaceutical firms.

In modern times, the mortar and pestle, which have been vital tools for pharmacists in the production of medicines for centuries, continue to serve as a symbol for the business. You may frequently find it displayed alongside the abbreviation Rx on signs outside of pharmacies.

What is the meaning of OD BD TDS is written in doctor’s prescription on medicine?

You wouldn’t know what the codes mean either if you haven’t read anything related to medical. – On this planet, people look up to doctors as if they were gods. No matter what kind of illness we have, we anticipate that our physicians will provide care that is of the highest possible standard.

The best that can be done by our doctors is to diagnose our condition and assist us in overcoming it as quickly as they can. On the other hand, whenever they issue prescriptions, they are typically made fun of. It’s a common belief that only those with a medical background can read handwriting. However, were you aware that physicians sometimes put various codes on their slips? Have you ever been curious about the meaning of these codes? It’s possible that you’re under the impression that the issue is just with their handwriting.

But you wouldn’t know what the codes mean either if you haven’t read anything related to medical. These codes all imply something different, and the executives who work in the pharmaceutical industry will prescribe you medication depending on their meaning.

Let’s get some additional information: Rx: Treatment q: each and every qD: on a daily basis qOD: each and every single day with one exception qH: on the hour S means “without” and “C” means “with” SOS means that drugs should only be used in the event of an emergency. AC: earlier than the meal PC: after Meal BID stands for twice a day.

TID stands for three times a day, and PO indicates that the medication should not be used intravenously or in any other way. BD/BDS indicates that the medication should be taken twice per day; TDS indicates that the medication should be taken three times per day; and QTDS indicates that the medication should be taken four times per day.

What does BD mean on a prescription?

If you are unable to discover the abbreviation that you are searching for, you should ask your physician, nurse, or pharmacist for assistance in deciphering the information included in your medical records.

What is BD stand for?

Acronym Definition
BD Birthday
BD Big Deal
BD Baud
BD Bachelor of Divinity

What is the full form of BD?

Team Embibe was the author. This page was last modified on July 6, 2022. Full Form of BD The entire form of BD in English is “bis in die,” while the full form of the term in Hindi is ” .” It is a word that originates from Latin and can imply twice daily, twice each day, or two times per day. BD is a revered shorthand that has been used for many years on medical prescriptions to indicate the direction of the medicine being prescribed.

What is the meaning of OD BD TDS is written in doctor’s prescription on medicine?

You wouldn’t know what the codes mean either if you haven’t read anything related to medical. – On this planet, people look up to doctors as if they were gods. No matter what kind of illness we have, we anticipate that our physicians will provide care that is of the highest possible standard.

  • The best that can be done by our doctors is to diagnose our condition and assist us in overcoming it as quickly as they can.
  • On the other hand, whenever they issue prescriptions, they are typically made fun of.
  • It’s a common belief that only those with a medical background can read handwriting.
  • However, were you aware that physicians sometimes put various codes on their slips? Have you ever been curious about the meaning of these codes? It’s possible that you’re under the impression that the issue is just with their handwriting.

But you wouldn’t know what the codes mean either if you haven’t read anything related to medical. These codes all imply something different, and the executives who work in the pharmaceutical industry will prescribe you medication depending on their meaning.

  1. Let’s get some additional information: Rx: Treatment q: each and every qD: on a daily basis qOD: each and every single day with one exception qH: on the hour S means “without” and “C” means “with” SOS means that drugs should only be used in the event of an emergency.
  2. AC: earlier than the meal PC: after Meal BID: twice a day TID stands for three times daily, and PO indicates that the medication should not be used intravenously or in any other way.

BD/BDS indicates that the medication should be taken twice per day; TDS indicates that the medication should be taken three times per day; and QTDS indicates that the medication should be taken four times per day. QID: Four times a day OD: Once a day BT: while you were asleep BBF: Before breakfast Here you can access all of the Most Recent News, including Breaking News, as well as Top Videos and Live TV.
