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Of which of the following is obtaining insurance protection against dishonest employees an example?

of which of the following is obtaining insurance protection against dishonest employees an example?
Theft and dishonesty insurance covers a variety of monetary damages resulting from dishonest personnel. Typically, this protection includes: Theft of goods, including inventory and office supplies Theft of currency, securities, cheques, money orders, and further financial instruments

The Sarbanes Oxley Act resulted in which of the following?

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act led to which of the following? – Businesses are required to submit financial accounts to the Internal Revenue Service.

What is Physical Access Control? – Physical access control is an electronic system that enables organizations to restrict and manage who has access to certain places or assets. It is a technique of identifying users and workers, confirming their identities through various means, and granting access to products or regions.

It is sometimes used across a facility to monitor and regulate access to certain areas, and it is sometimes integrated with secure key cabinets for the same purpose. One advantage is that you do not need to establish a comprehensive access control system throughout the entire facility, but still enjoy the same benefits.

When it comes to fleet management, the option to combine the two is very helpful. In addition to authorizing or denying access to various places and assets, proper access control enables businesses to track who goes where and when, and to prevent unwanted intrusions.

Which of the following is not one of the internal control principles?

The right answer is B. Maintaining security by having a single individual track and record assets. Maintaining security by having a single individual track and record assets is not a control premise.
