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Which of the following individual health insurance policies will provide the broadest protection?

which of the following individual health insurance policies will provide the broadest protection?
Which of the following individual health insurance policies will provide the broadest protection? A characteristic of Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) would be: The correct answer is ‘ Discounted fees for the patient ‘.

Which of the following circumstances is covered by a critical illness plan?

A critical illness plan is a policy that pays a lump payment to the insured upon the diagnosis of a covered sickness. Cancer, organ transplant, heart attack, stroke, renal failure, and paralysis are typically covered by critical illness policies. There is no coverage if you are diagnosed with a sickness that is not on the plan’s particular list, and the list of covered diseases varies each plan.

Numerous critical illness policies are available, with benefit levels ranging from $5,000 to $200,000 or more. The premiums are determined by the benefit amount and the applicant’s age. Pre-existing conditions are not covered on the individual market, and medical underwriting is utilized to assess an applicant’s eligibility for coverage.

Critical illness plans are not governed by the ACA and cannot serve as a person’s sole form of medical coverage. Critical illness plans, sometimes known as dread sickness plans, have grown in popularity as a voluntary benefit given by employers in recent years, particularly to mitigate the cost of moving to a higher deductible plan.

When submitting an application, a producer should tell the insurer of any additional pertinent information that is not included in the application.

What kind of policy would only cover specified sorts of diseases?

Disease insurance is dreadful. Dread disease insurance covers EXCLUSIVELY particular illnesses, such as cancer and stroke.
