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How Much Does It Cost To Be A Pharmacy Tech?

How Much Does It Cost To Be A Pharmacy Tech
Costs for Obtaining a Pharmacy Technician Degree on Average # – The majority of certification programs for pharmacy technicians cost anywhere from $500 to $5,000. In this industry, you may also earn an associate’s degree for a price ranging from $10,000 to $25,000.

  • Tuition for in-state students at Eastern New Mexico University – Roswell was $678.96 per semester in 2011, while tuition for out-of-state students was $2,561 per semester. The total amount of additional program costs was $70.40.
  • The in-district tuition at Oakton Community College in Illinois was $1,178 each semester, while the out-of-district tuition was $2,162.40 per semester. The total cost of the 12-week course includes not only the tuition but also the application charge, registration fee, lab fee, graduation fee, and book fee.
  • The price of the 50-hour course that the California State University, Dominguez Hills offered to prepare students for the PTCB exam was $999. All of the materials are included in the pricing.
  • You’ll need an additional $129 in your budget to cover the cost of the PTCB exam after you graduate if you intend to take it. There is no limit on the number of times you may take the exam. However, if you fail all three, you will be required to submit a request to the board in order to be granted permission to retake the test.

How much does a pharmacy technician associate’s degree cost?

A program leading to an associate’s degree as a pharmacy technician can cost anywhere from $5,520 to $33,300 to complete.

How much does it cost to become a pharmacist?

The cost of taking the Pharmacy College Admissions Test is currently set at $125. Depending on the institution and whether or not the books are brand new, the annual cost of books can range anywhere from around $300 to $600. The first year sees the greatest increase in the cost of books, while the fourth year sees the greatest decrease.
