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What States Require Pharmacy Technician Certification?

What States Require Pharmacy Technician Certification
States That Demand Certification A state may choose to regulate pharmacy technicians through one of three channels: certification, registration, or licensure. States That Demand Certification Passing a test administered by a third-party organization is required for certification.

  1. Registration just denotes that the pharmacy technician is needed to register with the state, and in most cases, no further examination is necessary, despite the fact that state legislation might differ.
  2. To obtain a license, you are often need to pass an exam that is exclusive to the state.
  3. Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming are the states that mandate certification for pharmacy technicians.

Other states that do so include Oregon and South Carolina. Pharmacy technicians in the states of Arizona, Illinois, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming are required to earn a state license in addition to their qualification. There is a requirement for certification and registration in the states of Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia; however, these states do not grant licenses for pharmacy technicians.

How do you become a certified pharmacy technician in Alabama?

Alabama State Requirements – Candidates must satisfy the Alabama State Board’s standards in order to be eligible for a license to practice as a pharmacy technician in that state. These are the following: Candidates must be at least 17 years old to be considered.

  1. Candidates do not need to hold a high school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED).
  2. Candidates are asked to submit to a comprehensive criminal background check, which will cost a candidate a total of $40.00.
  3. Candidates are required to provide a notarized version of their application in addition to paying the required application cost of $60.
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In the state of Alabama, certification from the PTCB is NOT needed to work in the field. Candidates for the Alabama pharmacy technician licensure are required to have successfully completed a state-approved education program within the preceding six months of their registration.

How do I transfer my pharmacy technician license to South Carolina?

If the standards for certification in your home state are comparable to those of South Carolina’s registration standards, you are eligible to submit an application to the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy to transfer your registration to the state of South Carolina as a pharmacy technician from another state.

How many pharmacists are in Alabama?

Income and Employment Opportunities by Sector (2021) The biggest number of pharmacists are employed in Alabama’s retail pharmacies, which total 2,000, followed by hospitals, which employ more than 1,170 pharmacists across the state.

What can be changed on a c2 prescription in Alabama?

It is not possible to refill prescriptions for banned medications that fall under schedule II. It is necessary to provide a fresh prescription. A maximum of five refills per prescription during a period of six months is permitted for prohibited medications falling under categories III and IV.
