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When Is National Pharmacy Tech Day?

When Is National Pharmacy Tech Day
The 19th of October, 2021 Technicians are well acknowledged for the important role they play in pharmacies, since they provide assistance to both patients and pharmacists. Ashley Gallagher, Assistant Editor It is important to highlight the contribution that pharmacy technicians make to the overall workflow of pharmacies, and there is no better day than October 19 to do so than National Pharmacy Technician Day. There Is More to Medication Storage Than Meets the Eye
When Is National Pharmacy Tech Day
When Is National Pharmacy Tech Day
When Is National Pharmacy Tech Day
The Pharmacy Technician Resource Center has more content pertaining to technicians that may be accessed there. This article also discusses: Mark Cuban’s Pharmacy Has Shown That “There Is No Silver Bullet” to Disrupt the Pharmacy Value Chain, According to a Pharmacy Technician and Retail Expert in the Field Dartisla ODT, Manufactured by Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, Cultural Competence, a Differentiating Factor for Pharmacy Professionals.

What was the first pharmaceutical drug?

Dr. Margaret Hartley FTSE responds to a question that was submitted by Bridget, who is 11 years old and lives in Victoria. This question was asked as part of the Ask an Expert series that is published in our newsletter #TechKnow. – Thanks for your question Bridget.

  • It is dependent on our understanding of the term “medicine.” Since the beginning of time, people have been treating their ailments using a wide variety of herbs, plants, and minerals;
  • Folk remedies frequently had more to do with religion than with science; but, traditional medical practitioners in Ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome did employ early forms of labs in order to formulate these remedies;
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The majority of these elixirs, powders, and lotions were ineffective, and a few of them really contained poison. However, some of them had beneficial components that are still utilized in the medication that we make today. For instance, milkweed, a plant that has been used for centuries to cure warts and tumors, has just been shown to be an effective therapy for skin cancer.

  • You have the option to hear a discussion on the subject;
  • For a very long time, treatments were developed through a process of trial and error, superstition, and a general lack of understanding of how our bodies function;

People in Europe began utilizing opium, which is a milky substance that comes from the poppy plant, as a pain reliever somewhere between the years 1500 and 1600. Opium, alcohol, and various plants were combined to create the medicinal concoction known as laudanum.

  1. It was used to treat a variety of ailments, including coughing, discomfort, and sleeplessness;
  2. Since there were so many terrible diseases sweeping over Europe at the time (and so few medications that really did anything), laudanum was utilized as a treatment for practically every illness, from the common cold to the Black Plague;

Unfortuitously, it also had a high addictive potential. In the following 150 years, scientists made significant strides in their understanding of biological and chemical processes. Friedrich Sertürner, a German scientist, is credited with the invention of the first modern pharmaceutical medication in the year 1804.

  1. In his laboratory, he isolated the primary psychoactive component of opium and christened the newly discovered substance morphine after Morpheus, the Greek deity of slumber;
  2. In the past, morphine was utilized as a treatment for severe pain, and now, hospitals continue to make use of this drug for the same purpose;
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Unfortunately, Sertürner got dependent on his own medicine, and he cautioned others to exercise extreme caution when using it. Next came quinine, a treatment for malaria, in 1820. It wasn’t until 1877 that paracetamol was developed, and it wasn’t until the 1890s that willow bark was used to create the first batch of aspirin. In this year of 2019, brand-new, cutting-edge biotechnologies are being used in the production of an increasing number of medicinal products.
When Is National Pharmacy Tech Day.

Who is 1st pharmacist?

When it comes to Egyptian mummies, Asru is considered to be quite the celebrity. During her lifetime in the eighth century B.C., she was well-known for her singing at the temple of Amun at Karnak; however, she is more well-known now for her struggles with her health.
